
Thursday, 27 June 2013

10.2kg GONE!!

Ok, so here's the post wednesday weigh in update... 
(drumroll please!)
I lost a whopping 700g!!!!
Yes, not the biggest number, but I'm ecstatic because that's a total loss of 10.2 kg in 7 weeks, and I've passed the 10kg milestone!!!!!!

As for another milestone... Here's a little story of my Wednesday at work which I posted in the forums this week:

Just have to let the 12wbt world know that it is possible to combat a crappy day without using food!!!
I had a tough day at work, 3 key staff members away, leaving me, 2 juniors and another senior staff member. As usual it all went a little pear shaped, I had to pull one of them into line when it took too long to get something done. We had a few curve balls thrown our way - you all know days like that!
But, in my previous life I would've just given in, eaten the favourites chocolates available, gone and visited the cookie jar in the tea room, missed my gym session after work, and eaten fatty greasy take away for dinner - all with the aim of making myself feel better (why did I never understand it made me feel worse??) so today, I resisted the chocs, biscuits etc, went to the gym and just made my rpm class, came home and cooked broccoli soup for dinner, and am now finishing up some tricep dips in between checking forum posts and blog posts.
I feel like I have achieved something really significant today, just in not eating crap! And I love the fact I made that decision. And I just wanted someone to know! Thanks for reading. 

As for some other highlights (in short)
- Loved the broccoli soup!!!
- Kicking butt in the tricep dip challenge...
- A couple of people commented on my weight loss at the gym (not to self: must get better at responding to compliments).
- I've been choosing my hard - not my original thought, credit to energy&Emily.
- And... On the spur of the moment I bought finale tickets!!!!!! Radelaide here I come (after a mighty road trip :-))

I'd love to know how your week 7 is going! And I'll be back with the final wrap over the weekend.


  1. Congratulations on 10kg!
    Fantastic work :)

    1. Thanks! Hard work but definitely worth the cost!! I even tried on an old work shirt thirt morning that's pretty much ok to wear to work again!! Exciting!

  2. Great work Sheridan. Fabulous effort!

    1. Thanks Kate! Good luck for the rest of your week

  3. Absolutely rock star moment with the 10kg. It's kind of like a shelf, now that you're into the double figures the number will grow at a rapid rate (or you will shrink as the case may be). As for the responding to compliments, I hear you. It's been hard, but I think I'm finally there. Practice in the mirror a few times till it comes naturally. I think it's a female thing.


    1. Thanks Carol! Hoping the numbers keep dropping. Never thought of practicing recieving compliments - I talk to myself all the time, but not like that...

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Oh my gosh that's amazing!! Great work on resisting the biscuits and chocolate as well! What an inspiration!

    Also! I will see you in Adelaide!! How exciting!!

    1. Yay! Adelaide! The next 4 weeks are going to fly by. Would totally love to catch up on Adelaide sometime, are you staying in the city CBD?? I got some cheap accom deal last night on 'our deal'...

    2. We're staying at the Mercure in the city! We also got a good deal on 'Wotif' :) We will definitely catch up!
