
Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Ack! Nerves...

I'm starting to feel a little nervous.. What about?? Well it's weigh in Wednesday tomorrow. And as the saying goes - "if I've done nothing wrong then there's nothing to be nervous about" - Yes, and there lies the issue!
My little (or not so little) chocolate over indulgence on the weekend has left me feeling a little nervous. I know it wasn't the right thing to be eating, and I regretted it, and I didn't like how my body felt after eating it... But it's done, and now it's time to face the consequences. It was a slip up, and I'm back in the game again, so not all is lost. And I think the feeling after the binge has taught me I don't want to be doing that any more. So there's lessons learnt as well.
What about some highlights from the last few days??
  • I smashed out a 20km ride yesterday for my mini milestone. I had originally hoped to ride further but that was more than far enough, and 868 calories gone!! So next milestone I'd love to go further, maybe double the distance?? A little adventurous, but hey, why not!
  • I'm really happy that my head's back together after the journey to chocolate-ville and back again.
  • I'm looking forward to the 12wbt pen-pal project, and thinking lots of fun things to send off to my pen-pal. Yes, and of course I'm looking forward to getting something in the mail too!
  • And it wouldn't be a list of highlights without mentioning some food highlights would it?? Fabulous 2 days of food... (but not my best photography skill - apologies)
Thai Beef Salad for lunch Mon & Tues - will definitely be making that again, and who would've thought of just buying the rare roast beef from the deli - too easy.

Pesto Pasta with roasted pumpkin and tomatoes - Yum Yum Yum! I love pesto anything, and this pesto was lovely, light and fresh, not too heavy since it wasn't made with oil. A great pesto recipe.
And finally dinner tonight was Jerk Fish. Yet another fantastically tasty fish dish. I am just so happy that I've discovered a love of fish, and have a great collection of fish recipes. And little boiled potatoes on the side, they were kinda tasty too (and I'm not a huge potato fan).
And so there's the last 2 days in a nutshell. Loved having a bonus day off work thanks to the queen's birthday, and looking forward to having Thursday off too. It's going to be a great week. Just gotta get over the weigh in tomorrow. But all I'm hoping is that there's no gain, I'm not too concerned if there's no loss, but please no gain!!! 


  1. Please don't be too disheartened if you don't see the results you want on the scales tomorrow! You are already burning off that chocolate and soon it will be long forgotten!

    Hey!! Look who's eating raw red onion again! Nice one!

  2. Yeah, didn't quite get the result I'd hoped for, +900g, and I think I let that affect my mood yesterday. But today is a new day, and I'm learning to surf (metaphorically) - new post on that soon.
    I could be in an ad for extra the amount of raw red onion I'm eating now :-)
