
Saturday, 1 June 2013

Why I blog...

So I've been thinking for a while of answering the question of why someone who is not particularly technologically advanced would embark on the task of writing a blog?? Maybe you haven't asked that question, but if you have, then here's my answer!!

It had never occurred to me to start a blog, I mean to put info about yourself out there on the web for one and all to read?? Let alone how does one go about starting a blog (remember not technologically advanced)?? So I joined 12wbt and there was this forum posts about blog writing, and especially one about how to start a blog! Right says Sheridan, I might have a go at this, just choose a website to start with and hey presto a blog!! So it turns out starting the blog wasn't so hard - the hard bit was figuring out what the web address for it was (just in case I copied and pasted it into a note on my computer, which has been a handy reference since!). 

But what was it that made me decide this was a helpful thing to do?? Well a number of years ago when I was on one of my many previous health kicks I started a journal. No, not somewhere I can imagine Prince Charming coming to sweep me off my feet, but somewhere to process what my mind is dwelling on. It was so helpful because in the process of getting those thoughts on paper it helped me to see them for what they were. Perhaps they were out of perspective thoughts (eg woe is me I am the fattest person to ever walk the earth), or maybe a little more realistic (eg I speak very negatively to/about myself all the time). But whatever they were once they were on paper I could deal with them. I could write out a plan of attack, and then action it and keep myself accountable. And I made sure that I regularly read through some of the journal at regular intervals just to realise where I'd come from. 

What I found was that when I was keeping this journal, either writing in it daily or a few times a week, was when I was most successful at losing weight and also keeping it off. When I stopped writing it came back on, I ate crap and didn't exercise. And so when I started 12wbt I decided I was going to take up writing in my journal again. But, to my surprise I changed and I started a blog and its become somewhat of a journal. Somewhere to track my progress and record good times and bad. And of course somewhere to share photos of all the amazing food I've been cooking and eating!!

Initially I had hoped to update it each day, but time just keeps getting the better of me, so it's those evenings or mornings that I have a little bit of relaxation time that get the mind ticking. And if I think of something I want to write about I jot it down for when I have some time. This post in particular has been cooking up for a couple of weeks now. 

And as for others reading my thoughts?? Well, you're welcome!! I've had a number of really positive comments, and just to know that someone's sharing this journey with me is great. It's why I'm also enjoying the 12wbt forums so much as well.

So please if you're a blogger, keep on blogging, I'm certain it's soo helpful for your mindset and mental space. This weight loss thing is tougher on the mind than we often give it credit for. And if you're not a blogger already consider it, or at least go the un technological way and pick up the pen and paper! Your brain will thank you in the end!!


  1. You're so right! Sometimes the head gets so clouded up with "I did this right", "I did this wrong" and getting it down on paper definitely helps to reflect better and be a little more rational.

    I also find that I sometimes think "oh, I don't want to have to write in my blog that I did that" so then I don't do it haha.

    I'm glad that you're enjoying blogging :)

  2. I've just started my blog ( and I think I'm going to really enjoy the accountability - who wants to lie to the whole internet? :P Looking back on it in 12 months time will be such a good feeling to see how far we've come! Plus I love posting pics of yummy meals...

  3. Thanks girls, glad I'm not the only one who finds it helpful to blog. And I'm not sure why it never occurred to me that I can come back and read through my blog next month, or next year etc, it'll be kinda interesting to revisit!!
