
Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Sheridan takes on the Round 4 challenge...

So, for those of you following my blog and wondering where I've disappeared to...
I'm back!!

And as of tonight I'm officially enrolled in 12wbt Round 4 2013!!! Enough was enough with round 3, I was going no where fast (except perhaps up where the scales were concerned!). And so, I took some drastic, yet necessary action, and here I am officially a round 4 participant. Hopefully that means I'll also be back in the blogosphere too.

What's coming up in future blog posts I hear you ask?? 
  • Commitment - this round I need to be a woman of my word, so my commitment will be put out for everyone to read. 
  • Goal Setting - I need to establish some goals so I have something to aim at.
  • Star Chart Progress - a fellow 12wbt-er and encouragement to me has recently started a star chart to keep her motivated and committed, so I'm putting one together and will have regular updates on the blog. 
  • Food Photos - can't wait to try the new recipes for summer - keep your eyes peeled for some mouthwatering photos :-)
  • Miscellaneous - obviously sometimes I get a little carried away in my posts, so expect a bit of anything and everything here!!

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to cheering you on Sheridan. I'll be back too, hopefully my last round. I've got to finish this once and for all.

