
Monday, 12 August 2013

A little bit of Inspiration

So I spent some time shopping in Melbourne over the weekend (on the longest trip home from Adelaide ever...). I got some new things - including a pair of new Brooks Runners for $60!! Yep, I was pretty impressed with that!
But more importantly a new outfit (boots as well!!) to wear next weekend at a conference dinner for work...

And a couple of dresses to keep me on the straight & narrow this round leading into summer. I tried them on in a size that fitted and then bought them the next size down!! Looking forward to wearing cute dresses when it warms up.
During my time in Adelaide I was introduced to Lulu Lemon workout gear... it's expensive, but I'm told it's totally worth it! Lets hope so, cos I bought this top that I want to be able to comfortably wear to the gym by the time winter's gone! Oh and the best bit - size 12 (yeah, OK, so it's Canadian sizing, but who cares, it's a 12!!)

Alright, so let me just put it out there... The next time you see these clothes on my blog you'll see me in them too! There's a massive goal, but we're all works in progress, and so I'm looking forward to sharing mine with anyone who's reading along.


  1. Oh those dresses are beautiful! I can't wait to see you rocking them (soon!!). Also size 12!! Awesome :)

  2. Oooh, I like the red dress... looking forward to seeing pics of you in it!

    1. Yes I'm a sucker for a red dress, and a dress with pockets!! And at $21 I could hardly leave it on the rack...

  3. Next time you're in Melbourne, make sure you check out the Lululemon outlet-you can often save quite a bit of money. IF it is really out of season stuff, you can sometimes get tops for as little as $20. It's in collingwood, right near the city, just of victoria parade.

    1. Yes, it was mentioned that there was an outlet there! When I can fit into my size 12 top I might have to go suss it out!! Thanks.
