
Sunday, 25 August 2013

Oh the posts that I could post...

If this blog was a Dr Seuss book that might be a good title!! For a couple of weeks now I've had a little list going in a notebook about blog post topics. As you can all tell, really none of those ideas have yet made it online. Needless to say I've been a little snowed under - physically and emotionally! The last week in particular I was really hoping to post some stuff, but life just got on top of me, and I was hard pressed to do much. But here's a really quick rundown of some stuff, and probably more details to come!

I've had a birthday! It was successful as far as weigh in went!! Woo Hoo! I also made good choices when out for lunch. I did however indulge in not 1 but 2 birthday cupcakes...

I've been back to the gym and gotten back into workouts as per usual. Looking forward to hopefully a  bit more energy this week to get through some more. 
I got a new oven installed and boy have I tested it out!! Scones, macaroons, cakes, biscuits, roast dinner... And no I didn't eat all of that, I certainly did enjoy making it all though. I was actually quite controlled with what I did eat. 

I've decided what vice I'm giving up in this week's weekly challenge... I giving up technology before bed!! It's gotten to be a really bad habit of mine, every day, and one that (unlike coffee) I can give up without being a horrible person to be around :-) and so as of tomorrow there's a 9:00pm curfew imposed on technology! No more checking emails/Facebook/forums after I go to bed! Oh, and I totally failed the wall sit challenge (read: did not start) so I'll be doing that one at the same time this week.

And finally I got some inspiration to work my butt off (literally)... A friend rang tonight and asked me to be a bridesmaid for her wedding next year!!!! :-) big smiles, but some serious hard work to do in the next 8 months!! Will be totally worth it though!!

Well, until there's time to post again, that's all folks!!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

How did THAT happen??!?!!

So, weigh in Wednesday comes around...
It's my birthday - I shouldn't have to weigh in on my birthday...
Not after a weekend of not-so-strict eating (mindful, but not strict)...
Perhaps I'll just skip this weigh in...
JFDI! (yep it applies to weigh in's too)
Oh Heck - get on the scales - open my eyes...
I've lost 1.1kg!!!!!
I did one weights work out, half a cardio workout, and ate a pie on the way home on Friday night (yes, I perhaps wasn't in the best state to resist)... All I can say is, maybe anxiety/panic attacks do burn the calories up :-)

Monday, 19 August 2013

My First 12wbt Round Review

So I thought a great way to prepare for my second round of 12wbt (R3 2013) was to look over some of my very first blog posts. The ones where I set my goals, boasted of my marvellous committment, sorted out my excuses with some tough love etc etc. It was a good thought, but I've only just got to it this week. So to start off my second round, lets look at the round that was R2 2013.
Excuses: like most people most of my excuses were about eating junk food, and not getting to the gym due to business etc. my solutions were basically a good dose of JFDI. And for the most part I think that worked, at least until about week 9 where most of the wheels came off my wagon all at once! I can't say that I've really changed my excuses or solutions for this round. At the end of the day it's about recognising an excuse for what it is (eg a lazy inner teenager speaking her mind) and just getting on with what you know rationally needs to happen. 
Goals: I achieved a lot in the last round, I lost heaps of weight and cm's, I know my strength improved, and certainly my fitness. My mindset shifted and moved towards a better direction. I found a whole new recipe repertoire. But I'm not sure that I really achieved many of the 1 & 3 month goals I had set for myself. Funnily enough I'm not too disappointed with myself. I found it hard to set the goals since I was feeling so pessimistic about the chances of success in the beginning anyway. What it has meant is that my goals are clear and simple this round, and certainly achievable. I've also set 1 & 3 month reminders in my phone to review my goals to make sure I look back at the again!
Commitment: I was totally committed to the 12wbt program... For the first 8 weeks at least it was whole hearted! And honestly, I think that's why it worked. Sounds simple - follow the program, get results. But life isn't always like that and knowing I'd committed myself to following it all - food, exercise, mindset, pre season tasks, weekly challenges etc is what kept me on track. This round I am adding my commitment that I'm determined to complete a 12 week program, not quit at 8 weeks and settle in with complacency! And I've actually put it out there to the world (aka Facebook) that I've embarked on this journey again. 
Highs & Lows: there were both good and bad times through the last round. The lows were certainly when I came off the rails early on binging on white choc and the rest. However I pulled it together (high) and got through a few more weeks until it all came to a standstill. That's probably for me the biggest low, because I got complacent and let my nutrition slip, exercise was half hearted and not as regular, and bam, 4 kilos in 5 weeks!! I know I can do better than that, so it was quite disappointing personally. Hence my commitment to a 12wbt not 8wbt this time. 

As for the highs, well if you've been following my blog you'll probably guess the highest high was the food!! It is truly amazing how good this healthy food tastes! And it's easy and quick to prepare, and you get all the meals planned ahead for you so there's no time to think "hmm what should I have for dinner??" And best of all I found a love for shopping lists!! And especially those you don't have to write yourself because they come off the printer all prepared!

Ok, I have another high, and that is the amazing online support available through fellow bloggers and the forums. I've never been one for online stuff, it's all a bit 'non-reality' for me. Generally I like to see and hear people. However I have felt so supported by people, others doing the program as well as the 12wbt crew. It's amazing how much that support pulled me through and meant during the 12 weeks. And to meet a few of you in person in Adelaide was fantastic!!
Well i guess that about covers my first round wrap for 12wbt! Has anyone else looked back over their blog/journal from previous rounds to see what they actually did achieve vs what they set out to achieve? Any words of wisdom to come from that?

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Red Flags Ahoy!!

If you're a fellow 12wbt-er you'll understand what red flags are. In case you're not, a red flag day is what we identify an event or day as, when it's something that will be likely to hinder our commitment and progress on the journey (eg parties, holidays, weddings etc). And so as I look ahead to the next 7-10 days all I see is a sea of red flags... Pretty, but pretty daunting too. 

First up is a trip to Melbourne this weekend. I'm flying down Friday night, and back Sunday night for a work conference. That means missing my regular gym classes Friday and Saturday, but more importantly not being in control of what I'm eating for 2 days. Yikes! And then there's the drinks with colleagues to overcome... 

So I've come up with a plan of attack (and no it's not all my own work). 
  • Firstly, I've been up front with the guys from my work who I'm travelling with that I am absolutely NOT drinking with them at either the Friday or Saturday night functions. It always ends badly (for me) when that happens. So I've already told them I didn't want to drink my calories away. They were ok with that, and so now I just have to see it through. 
  • Secondly, I've checked out the gym facilities at the hotel - looks awesome! It's on the 36th floor of the hotel! None of this 2 machine gym in the basement. I guess that's what happens at a classy hotel. So I think just so I can say I've worked out overlooking the city, I'm going to give it a go, and just take my SSS workout with me. Although, 70 burpees to start does not sound like fun! Anyway, check out the pictures of the hotel gym here:
  • Thirdly, it was suggested to me (by the lovely Emily) to combat overeating or making poor food choices to take photos of what I was eating! What a great idea, and then I can come back here for a good dose of accountability and actually show you what I ate! So, if there's no photos forthcoming you can safely assume I went overboard and am too ashamed to show it!

So there's the plan to attack the conference. I'm also going to be photographing my inspiration board and putting it as the homescreen on my phone to keep me inspired!!

Coming up soon after that is birthday week! Yep happy birthday to me next Wednesday. Now this should be a whole lot easier than the conference since I'm still at home, but my parents are visiting, and that will entail mum insisting on making birthday cake, and we'll probably go out for lunch or dinner, which means making a good healthy choice of what to eat. I should also add that when I was doing the last round I went and visited my parents and they were completely supportive of my food choices, so I know that as far as regular meals go they'll be happy to eat 12wbt style, so that's super healthy! Just have to conquer the birthday cake!!

And looking into the distance... October holds a trip to Sydney for Good Food Month! Red Flags all over the place, but I'll come up with a plan of atack before I go there.

What are others looking forward to as their red flags?? Any other plans for attack??

Weigh in Wednesday...

OK, so it's been just 2 days since I last weighed myself, and this morning I gingerly stepped onto the scales and.... drumroll please... I've lost 900g!!
Amazing what can happen when you put your mind to it. Actually there's a chance my body has completely gone into shock from all the sugar & fat that's suddenly disappeared over the past 2 days. And let me tell you I feel fantastic for getting back on the wagon again! It's such a great feling knowing you're doing something really healthy and beneficial for you body. I just want to fight the complacency that keeps slipping in just when I'm doing well. However, I must say that I was only in that complacency zone for about 4 weeks this time, which for me isn't long, and realistically didn't do too much damage.
And, in the spirit of my 12wbt blog from last round here's some food photos from days 1&2 - I can't believe there are still so many meals I didn't try last round. So here's lunch and dinner from yesterday in before and after shots (check out the size of my red cabbage!). Ham & Salad wrap was lunch, Sticky BBQ Beef with Shredded Slaw was dinner - both tasty, and I'll definitely use that beef marinade again, would be perfect for a summer BBQ - Yum!

And last but definitely not least, a meal I saw many people raving about on the blogs, but didn't try out for myself until last night - Not So Naughty Nachos!!! Oh. My. Gosh. Sooo Tasty - and I totally felt like I was eating treat food. It was much like the moment of eating 12wbt pizza last round, soo tasty, and yet still so good for you. This is a definite keeper.

 So there you have it - this little blogger is back in action and ready to work my butt off (literally!). And I'll be showing off those inspiration dresses in no time at all. And FYI - feeling the soreness after Monday's workout, I have a love/hate relationship with DOMS... Anyone else??

Monday, 12 August 2013

A little bit of Inspiration

So I spent some time shopping in Melbourne over the weekend (on the longest trip home from Adelaide ever...). I got some new things - including a pair of new Brooks Runners for $60!! Yep, I was pretty impressed with that!
But more importantly a new outfit (boots as well!!) to wear next weekend at a conference dinner for work...

And a couple of dresses to keep me on the straight & narrow this round leading into summer. I tried them on in a size that fitted and then bought them the next size down!! Looking forward to wearing cute dresses when it warms up.
During my time in Adelaide I was introduced to Lulu Lemon workout gear... it's expensive, but I'm told it's totally worth it! Lets hope so, cos I bought this top that I want to be able to comfortably wear to the gym by the time winter's gone! Oh and the best bit - size 12 (yeah, OK, so it's Canadian sizing, but who cares, it's a 12!!)

Alright, so let me just put it out there... The next time you see these clothes on my blog you'll see me in them too! There's a massive goal, but we're all works in progress, and so I'm looking forward to sharing mine with anyone who's reading along.

Let's start at the very beginning...

Well, here it is - Day1 - Round 3 - 12wbt 2013!! And I've signed up again and ready to handle the thrills and spills of another round. I feel like I've got so many things to put into this blog post, but for the sake of those reading my blog I'll try and contain myself, but you might find many blog posts this week...
The past weekend I spent partying it up in Adelaide for the round 2 finale. A good friend and I headed over early Friday morning, shopped up a storm Friday, caught up with fellow 12wbt-ers Friday night, and drank the night away at the best tapas/wine bar in Adelaide (OK, so that's my opinion, it's the best of 1 that was tried, but it really was right up there). So, Saturday was a little slow to get it together. We trekked accross Adelaide CBD to get to the showgrounds for the workout, where we cheered on those in the workout, before wandering back to the CBD. After wandering the afternoon we got all prettied up for the finale - a georgeous set up at the convention centre! All black & white, so it looked very classy. But we did call it a night pretty early, got our goody bags, and headed off for some zzz's ready to leave 7am Sunday.

We had a good flight back accross to Melbourne, but unfortunately neither my friend or I managed to realise we had left her car keys in the hotel room, in Adelaide... and we were now in Melbourne! For some reason, there was no panic, we just took it in our stride, and visited the nearby factory outlets for some shopping while family and friends rallied together to get some spare car keys to us! So, after an 8 hour stopover in Melbourne we were on the road. Back to my friends place by 9:15, and then I was on the road for the last 2 hours, and I finally got home at 11:30pm! What a day!! Funnily enough had we have driven home from Adelaide I would've got home sooner! But, I wouldn't have got some fun purchases and inspiration outfit purchases!! (photos to come) 
So, this week's to do list (amongst general life activities):
  • Complete Fitness Test & Measure Up
  • Revise Goals & Committment
  • Work on adding to my Vision/Inspiration Board
  • Review previous round's goals/excuses/highs/lows etc
 But right now, I'm off to the gym for my first Lean & Fit workout!! EEK! Nah, really I'm looking forward to it. And I'll be back to post some food photos from day 1!! I love that I'm back eating healthy foods again, my body is so happy with that decision right now!!