
Saturday, 18 May 2013

Weekly Wrap

Well, I figure it's time for a weekly wrap (and no not the mountain bread kind...) rather a look at how week 1 of 12wbt has been for me.
So, I was excited and keen to get on with it Monday, and I think that feeling has really stayed with me all week. Now that I think about it, that's probably a lot to do with my commitment. My commitment to myself, and the program, and my commitment to losing the weight for good! It proves that my favourite saying is true - losers make decisions, winners make commitments!! I've made commitment after commitment this week, rather than decisions. I committed to eating my packed lunch everyday (even going home from work one lunchtime cos I'd left it in my fridge!). I committed to getting every workout done, and got out of my comfort zone by using the gym machines rather than attending my regular gym classes. I committed to not eating lollies, chocolates and home baked treats at work - even when this meant sitting in front of a box of roses all Friday afternoon!!
Yesterday I was determined to smash out a good session at the gym. I regularly do a double class of RPM and then pump, but I don't always give it 100%, but yesterday I certainly did! I burnt 540cal in RPM, and then 440 in pump, which are really good numbers for me. And then I spent most of the day on the lounge recovering!!! No, I also baked a cake - without licking the bowl, beaters, or spoon! And got some food prepared for today and this coming week. 
And most encouraging of all I have just sat down and properly counted all my calories for this week. I'd only been writing down my snacks and drinks, but hadn't actually worked out the calories yet. I had a fair idea I was in the ballpark, but always good to actually do the math. So the results... Well the lowest calorie day was 1164cal, and the highest was 1266cal, and the daily average was 1217cal. I reckon that's about spot on for the week! I decided against having a treat meal last night, I had no plans to go anywhere, and had leftover ginger salmon stir fry (yum!), so that certainly helped maintain my daily calories too. 
I know I've said it before but this food is fantastic! I haven't had any problems preparing it, and the flavours are great. What's more, I don't have to think about what to have, it's all written on a little piece of paper for me. And thanks to the shopping list I know that I'll have everything I need to make the dishes without a last minute dash to the shops, which of course means no last minute treats or chocolate bars can jump into the trolley!
Well that's enough ramblings from me, my highlight from week 1?? definitely eating pizza for Friday nights dinner! It was like living in a pizzeria when it was cooking. Eating pizza when on a diet?? Heaven!!


  1. Winners make commitments - I love that!

    I'm feeling the same way about the food! So tasty and doesn't feel like "diet" food. We had the pizza last night after our SSS and it was like a party in my mouth (so to speak). I also mixed the garlic and some extra oregano, chilli flakes, salt, and pepper in to the ricotta. Bliss!

    It sounds like you've had a good week and like you've got a great attitude about the program. Best wishes for the coming week :)

  2. Thanks energyandemily - I've had a great time thus far on 12wbt, really feeling so much better about the whole program than I even thought possible. Hope you're having as good a time with it.
