
Friday, 31 May 2013

Anyone up for a Challenge??

So this week I had a mid-week slump... Wednesday... I attacked the hot chocolate left in the pantry with a vengence, followed quickly by the fruit crumble in the freezer (yes I did wait long enough to defrost it - barely)! BUT I turned it around by Thursday!!!
Wednesday night I went through the fridge, freezer and pantry looking for any culprits that might take me down again in an attack of the binge and threw them out! Wasn't that meant to happen in pre-season?? Well, yes, but I was still a little attached to them. NOT ANYMORE! Gone!!!
Thursday I was blessed with an RDO from work, and I had a lovely relaxing morning reading, listening to the rain (which is rare out here in the country!), flicking through the 12wbt forums etc. So I decided to go to the gym, and owing to the fact that I'd missed Wednesday's cardio workout I decided to combine Wed & Thurs together in one big session! Headed off to the gym at the best possible time of the day - it was practically deserted! And smashed out 2 sessions, with some step-ups in between. 953 calories gone, and I am no longer worried about the slump, because I am back on track!!
Now, step-ups... Why would I be doing that? Well, The weekly challenge for week 3 was to do 600 step ups. And, well, I'm not that into weekly challenges. Why? Because they sound like pain! Week 1 was to create a vision board, I almost did that. Well in my mind I created it, but it never actually took form in reality. Week 2 was 300 push-ups. Now I can't do 8 without dying, so I was not about to take part in that challenge. So week 3 = step ups. By now I've pretty much set my mind against the challenges, so I figured I wasn't going to. But, somehow my turn around on Thursday made me want to start. And so I'm 100 down of the 600 target. And since I only started on Thursday, I'm letting myself have until next Wednesday to finish them off. Only 500 to go!
This week's challenge is going to be a blast! It's something I feel like I've been doing since day 1 of this 12wbt. It's all about each day, for a week, trying a new food or ingredient! Now I've said it before, I've been amazed at what I've actually liked. And so here's some pictures of meals from week 3 each with a new food in them that I've tried. Sometimes I feel like there can't be that many left! But bring on the challenge!!!
Roasted Vegetable and Cous Cous Salad - delicious! I added a little chicken breast too (since this was my treat meal. But please note the presence of eggplant!!

Spicy Chicken & Cous Cous Salad - This was tasty, but probably not the best of my cooking - I'd like to try it again, this time cooking the couscous properly (it was a little too wet). But if you look closely you'll see a few little green olives poking their head up. I won't lie, they weren't my favourite part of the dish, but definitely edible.

Hoisin Beef Stir Fry with Spring Vegetables - my action photo!! This was dinner last night and it was very tasty. You'll see in here some asparagus spears. Never had it before, not really sure why not, couldn't really figure out if they have much flavour or not! Definitely nothing too offensive.
So now all that's left is to see how I go with completing my steps ups! I'm pretty confident I can smash the new food challenge! But, is anyone else up for that challenge???

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Why 12wbt???

So I thought it was time to post about why I chose to do the 12wbt. I figure everyone has their own reasons, and so these are mine. I've just read someone else's blog tonight which reflected on the fact that everyone seems to be losing their enthusiasm and confidence that we all had in week 1, and I completely agree, the forums are full of this sentiment today. And, I think that I'm also feeling a little like that, so time to remind myself - why am I doing this??
I've always been overweight. Actually I honestly don't remember a time when I wasn't. I was never good at sport in school. I don't remember fitting into girls size clothing, but felt like I went straight into women's size 14-16 as a young teenager. And so I've always battled with my weight. There are many reasons, and I don't lay blame with anyone, but it is what it is. I didn't really learn healthy eating habits in my youth. It wasn't that my family always ate takeaway, in fact that was really rare, my mum was (is) a fantactic cook - but I don't think I ever learnt about portion control, and I never learnt to put a couple of lollies/choc/chips etc in a small bowl to eat, rather than taking the packet to the table.
When I was at uni I joined a gym for the first time ever, it was terrifying at first, but I soon grew to love it, and also managed to lose about 20kg. But, it crept back on. A few years later I joined a gym after moving away from home for work, I got a PT, and I lost about 25kg. But... it all went back on and then some! So a few more years went by, I was still a member of my gym, they were having a 'biggest winner' comp (ie losing weight) so I entered - I lost almost 30kg! I was one of the top prize winners! And still I let the weight go back on. I am a classic yo-yo dieter.
But through all that I have learnt what works - exercise and healthy eating - but it's about doing both! So I've tried to do that. Counting calories, writing down everything I eat, getting to the gym. But I struggle with consistency! And so it hasn't worked. Finally I got to the point where I was back weighing over 100kg, and thought 'I've had enough!'.
A number of friends did round 1 of 12wbt this year. So I asked them about it, and specifically about the food. You see, I don't have a lot of spare time in my days (who does!?) and I didn't want to be spending every moment at home cooking so that I could keep it up. But all reports were so positive about the taste and easy preparation of the food. So I thought I'd give 12wbt another go. I had tried it before in 2011, but back then I was trying to do a little bit of Michelle's way + a little bit of my way. The result? I gave up by about week 4.
So, it's come to this. Round 2 2013 12wbt and I'm in and committed! I decided to give the program a go and do it as a holistic program without trying to alter little bits on the side. So I've been following the workouts, and following the food almost exactly - I've just customised a few meals that were egg based (intolerance). Other than that I've tried new foods and things I 'don't' like (but in reality I do). I'm in this to lose weight and change my mindset for life!!! I do not want to be that yo-yo dieter anymore.
It's been a bit of a funny day for me, I was initially disappointed with myself for my 600g loss this morning - but I turned that around and decided that 600g is fantastic!! I'm in no competition with anyone (even myself), and I gave it my all last week. If my body can only reflect that with 600g then that's OK. I feel like I've lost weight, my clothes feel better, and I'm definitely getting fitter!! This afternoon I came home from work exhausted - didn't get to the gym for cardio, and then tried to hunt through the cupboard for treat food...
Did I find any?
Well, the closest thing was hot chocolate drink, and a homemade fruit crumble dessert in the freezer.
Did I eat them?
Yes I did!
Am I regretting that choice?
Yes, to the extent that the rest of the hot choc mix is now in the bin and I've gone through cupboard/fridge/freezer to search out any other temptations in there and I've binned them!
Is there a high point in this story?
Yes! For one thing I didn't get in the car and drive to the shops for a block (or 2) of chocolate. And, I realised that there was still temptations in my house and got rid of them! That's a positive to come out of a negative for me.
And so after a bit of a lull in the 12wbt thus far, I am still committed. I still want to get up tomorrow and smash out a workout (well, the cardio I missed today and then weights!). I want to change my life still, and it's still going to take effort. I just need to be consistent.
Well, that's why I chose 12wbt. What about you?

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Weekly Wrap - take 2!

Well week 2 has drawn to a close, and so let's take a look back at the week that was...

Again highlights were the food! Lunchtime saw a number of pita pockets, and I found that sticking them in the sandwich press warmed them up so it was nice warming comfort food to counteract the cold wagga winter lay day outside. Dinners saw me venture into the world of fish stew, and what a great experience, although I learnt my lesson with the Cajun spice - a little goes a long way!! I ate through almost all of my mountain of tabouli, and loved the final week 2 meals - beef fajita and chargrilled vegetable and cous cous salad. Loving the food, I just can't say it enough. And that's coming from someone who loves to cook, and enjoys flavours etc, this surely doesn't feel like diet food, and I especially don't feel like I'm depriving myself.

It was the first real weigh in, and I managed to pull a good number. But I was also encouraged by the forums to think about non scale weigh ins, and here's my 2 biggest non scale achievements this week. Firstly I got to the gym early in the mornings each time I had planned to this week - I mastered the alarm clock!! Secondly, I wore a skirt today that I tried on a few weeks ago and felt it just clung in all the wrong spots. Now I don't think I've lost enough weight to make that much of a difference just yet, but I think the gained confidence and feeling good about myself, combined with some lost cm's and kg's all helped me to feel good wearing that skirt!

I have almost stuck to the calories exactly all week. I did find a little dark chocolate hiding in the cupboard, and ate 4 squares on Friday night! But I figure it'll all work out in the wash, I sort of traded that for my treat meal, and I'm certainly not beating myself up, because I did stop myself before eating the final 2 pieces! And so not including that little chocolate incident, my daily average calorie intake was 1202 calories - nearly spot on target!!

Looking ahead, I'm keen to try the dhal tomorrow, berry bruschetta on Tuesday, and have a crack at a new cardio and weights workouts. So until next time...

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Thursday's Tales...

I've oficially survived week 1! And more than that, I'm well on the way to surviving week 2 as well. So what have been some highlights from the past few days since I've last posted??
  • I have overcome a number of temptations - sitting at work with a box of chocolates right in front of me; biggest morning tea at work; baking a cake and NOT licking the bowl or tasting the finished product! These are just some of the things I've overcome and would definitely not have done so before starting 12wbt.
  • I have managed to get to the gym at times when I was feeling tired, and really just wanted to be lazy and sit at home.
  • I have learnt the power of having made the commitment to myself (and all other 12wbt'ers) that I was going to give this program my all - it has worked!! That is what makes me get to the gym, say no to temptation, cook dinner, each night, try new foods etc etc.
And since it's Thursday (yay tomorrow is Friday!) I've also survived the dreaded Wednesday weigh in. So how did I go? Well, I lost 1.7kg in the first week, which is a total of 3.8kg so far. OK, so was I a little disappointed seeing 1.7, knowing that I had done all the workouts and not messed up my food at all? Yeah, just a little. But then I tols myself that that number was great, and if anyone else had lost that much I'd tell them it was fantastic, and it doesn't matter how much the number goes down by - just as long as it goes down!
Finally, a few pics of the fabulous food I've eaten thus far into week 2. The fish stew was amazing (a massive serve too), and to think I almost swapped it out (thinking I didn't like fish - I think I'm converted). I had Asian chicken patties with warm noodle salad Monday, Fish stew Tues, Lamb meatballs & a tabouli mountain Wednesday, and tonight tasty steak with mushrooms (photos appear in that order).


Saturday, 18 May 2013

Weekly Wrap

Well, I figure it's time for a weekly wrap (and no not the mountain bread kind...) rather a look at how week 1 of 12wbt has been for me.
So, I was excited and keen to get on with it Monday, and I think that feeling has really stayed with me all week. Now that I think about it, that's probably a lot to do with my commitment. My commitment to myself, and the program, and my commitment to losing the weight for good! It proves that my favourite saying is true - losers make decisions, winners make commitments!! I've made commitment after commitment this week, rather than decisions. I committed to eating my packed lunch everyday (even going home from work one lunchtime cos I'd left it in my fridge!). I committed to getting every workout done, and got out of my comfort zone by using the gym machines rather than attending my regular gym classes. I committed to not eating lollies, chocolates and home baked treats at work - even when this meant sitting in front of a box of roses all Friday afternoon!!
Yesterday I was determined to smash out a good session at the gym. I regularly do a double class of RPM and then pump, but I don't always give it 100%, but yesterday I certainly did! I burnt 540cal in RPM, and then 440 in pump, which are really good numbers for me. And then I spent most of the day on the lounge recovering!!! No, I also baked a cake - without licking the bowl, beaters, or spoon! And got some food prepared for today and this coming week. 
And most encouraging of all I have just sat down and properly counted all my calories for this week. I'd only been writing down my snacks and drinks, but hadn't actually worked out the calories yet. I had a fair idea I was in the ballpark, but always good to actually do the math. So the results... Well the lowest calorie day was 1164cal, and the highest was 1266cal, and the daily average was 1217cal. I reckon that's about spot on for the week! I decided against having a treat meal last night, I had no plans to go anywhere, and had leftover ginger salmon stir fry (yum!), so that certainly helped maintain my daily calories too. 
I know I've said it before but this food is fantastic! I haven't had any problems preparing it, and the flavours are great. What's more, I don't have to think about what to have, it's all written on a little piece of paper for me. And thanks to the shopping list I know that I'll have everything I need to make the dishes without a last minute dash to the shops, which of course means no last minute treats or chocolate bars can jump into the trolley!
Well that's enough ramblings from me, my highlight from week 1?? definitely eating pizza for Friday nights dinner! It was like living in a pizzeria when it was cooking. Eating pizza when on a diet?? Heaven!!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

The Food... A-Mazing!

So, just a quick follow up post - the food on this 12wbt has blown my mind! It has been delicious, even the things that I didn't think I'd like I've really enjoyed. And I'm talking food I've previously thought I didn't enjoy. For example eggplant, fish, beef stroganof! The food has been easy and quick to prepare (ok, I also really enjoy cooking), and packed full of flavour. I've made very few changes this week. So here's 2 of the hit dishes (they're also probably the 2 that photographed well, I mean how does Stroganof look good in a photo?)

Progress Report

Well after months and months and months (and more months) of trying to get my head together to combine eating healthy food and exercising together with the aim of losing weight... it has FINALLY come together this week!!! I know if my last post I said I was excited and relieved to finally be starting 12wbt, but I don't think I'd actually clicked as to how much I just needed that kick-off date to come and that it would flip the switch in my brain that I've been looking for for so long. And so the progress report...
  • Well, Monday saw me ignore my 5am alarm, so I didn't go to the gym before work. BUT as much as I didn't feel like it I did go after work and smashed out a cardio workout on the machines! What started out poorly was overcome (thanks to my commitment to myself).
  • Tuesday I finished work early, did the weights session at the gym, and finished off with RPM (a bit addicted to my Tues & Wed arvo RPM classes - it's the social outlet for the week really...).
  • Wednesday morning was weigh in, so with fear and trepidation I got on those scales - and I've lost 2kg since Sunday morning!!! Wow, this is actually working!
  • And today, Thursday, well the plan was the gym in the morning... ignored that 5am alarm again! Then got caught at work with some emergency patients etc, left work at 6:30 (after starting at 7:00) and just didn't think I had it in me to go to the gym. So I came home, made a beautiful dinner (Salmon & Ginger stir fry - amazing), and sat down to plan next week. Did I miss a work out? Yes. But did I sabotage that by binge eating? NO!! Finally!
So the plan from here is to do the stretch/tone work out in the morning (no I won't let that alarm beat me again) and then finish off the day with a pump class to make up for the work out not done today.
So there you have it, my week in review. And apart from today missing the gym session, I really don't think it could've gone better.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Ready or Not, Here I Come!

Well, it's the night before the big kick-off... and how am I feeling?? Well, to be completely honest, I'm feeling relieved and ready to start! I've read a lot of people posting things about being nervous to start, but I'm ready and rearing to go!
It's been a few weeks since I actually signed up for the program, and I have to admit I haven't been able to start the whole healthy eating and exercise thing yet, because it hadn't really started! I've done all the pre-season tasks, and measured up, stocked up the fridge with super healthy foods, thrown out all the rubbish etc etc. I don't remember the last time my fridge looked so stocked full of good healthy food!
And so I'm ready, tomorrow's the day, and I'm ready to get into this 12wbt and lose some weight for good. Lunch is packed, the gym clothes are out and ready to jump into when the alarm goes off, and I'm ready!
Yet, I can't help but think I've been here before. I've been this weight before. As I took my measurements this morning it was with some grief that I realised I've been this size before, and last time I lost the weight I swore I was never putting it back on. And here I am, over 100kg, with body measurements that are twice that of other people. So the task for the next 12 weeks is to lose the weight (obviously) but also to figure out a way to combat the complacency which has often slipped in after losing weight previously. So if you're out there reading this, and you've got some tips for overcoming complacency, please leave me a comment.