
Sunday, 28 April 2013

A new commitment

It's time in the pre season tasks for 12wbt to make a commitment, to voice the goals, and make it known what we want to achieve. And so here's mine:

My commitment is to get to a healthy weight of 70kg! The way to get there is to transfer my mindset from overweight and unhappy to healthy weight and content! I need to be myself. I need to be committed. I need to be driven. I need to be inspired. I need to be positive. I need to be flexible. 

There is no other way to this goal than to be the person who has the characteristics described here. I will not be able to be this person 24/7, I will slip up, but I will strive to become this person! When I slip up I'll recognise and acknowledge my weakness, work out a coping strategy, and use that incident to get me to 70kg. I will not stay and mope in a state of 'failure'. I will pick myself up, and get on with it. My journey starts again with my very next meal or workout. It won't be put off to the never arriving tomorrow. 

This is the commitment I am making to myself to get to 70kg, because I know I can do this. I believe I can do this. And I deserve to experience life to the full as a fit and healthy 70kg woman. 

Monday, 22 April 2013

Setting up the goal posts

Well, the excuses have been flowing, and now the goals have been set!! Although it can be a really tricky thing setting goals - because almost as soon as I think up something (eg I want to be able to run 5km without a break) I can hear a voice in my head saying "that's probably a bit unrealistic" or "maybe you should rethink that one and leave it for the 6 month goal list"... These voices are just not helpful!! I need to banish them from my mind. However, the goals are set and ready to be achieved. 

Here are the 1 month goals: 

  • Run around Lake Albert (5.5km) without stopping. 
  • Weigh under 95kg (ie lose at least 7.2kg). 
  • Start wearing new T shirts to the gym. 

And so now is the time to start pressing towards those goals, to get them in my vision and go for it! But I think I need to add one more in... I need to banish the voices in my mind that cause me to doubt myself. I need to start believing that I actually can achieve these goals. They're not unrealistic. They are things I've been able to do before. They are possible. So, how will I banish these voices? Well I guess the first step is to stop doubting, and when I start doubting to give myself a good dose of positive self talk and remind myself of the goals and the small steps that I'm taking towards the bigger goal ahead. 

So here's to some positive self talk, and some goal achievement!!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Excuses Excuses Excuses...

Welcome to my first official blog post! It's a bit of a new experience, and hopefully a helpful one! I thought starting a blog would be a really helpful thing, since I know how helpful a journal can be when losing weight, and so that's really what this blog is for me - a journal. But if you're reading along, then I hope it's helpful for you too! Feel free to leave a comment if something really strikes home with you too.
It's pre-season time for Round 2 2013 of 12wbt, and this time I'm committed for the long haul! So, having just completed my first pre-season task I've realised just how many excuses I make for not losing weight! There's heaps - and they're pretty pathetic too! But one thing I noticed was that almost all of my internal excuses related to what I eat - eg eating too much junk food and not wanting to exercise, or not being able to find a healthy food options etc. But then almost all of my external excuses (within my control) related to work and busy-ness. It was good to see them all there on paper and realise what the real issues were and think about ways to combat them.
So here's my excuses - out there for all the world to read...
Internal Excuses:
  • I've eaten 1 bad thing today, I might as well write the day off completely.
  • I didn't get to the gym before work, so the day started badly, why not go further and binge on junk food too.
  • I've eaten too much today, I'll just feel sick if I go to the gym.
  • It's hard to find healthy food options when I'm away from home.
  • I'm tired and need to preserve my energy for work today / tomorrow.
External Excuses (within my control):
  • Work is super busy and I can't get to the gym when I want.
  • I can't do morning classes at the gym cos they finish too late for me to get to work on time.
  • I had to work late and missed my favourite afternoon gym class.
  • Can't find a convenient time to going for a jog with a friend.
  • I had no food for lunch so I had to buy something.
And the last thing that came to mind was the issue of complacency. I think that's the real reason why I've always put weight back on whenever I've lost it. I get to a point, and then go back to 'enjoying life'. Which is really code for eating whatever I want, in whatever amounts I like, and not being as active as I once was. And so I wonder is complacency also an excuse???